
5U文學網(wǎng) > 名言 > 英語名言 > 多彩的生活的英文名言佳句


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1. Alibaba found small gold on the road. If it keeps picking it up, it will not move when it is full, and it will never reach the top of the gold mine; Or whether the little gold goes straight to the top of the mountain. —— Ma Yun

2. All those who establish merits and accomplishments are the starting point. All those who have never learned and can be regarded as great things should first establish their foothold in character. ——Xu Shichang

3. All those who have sacrificed for the future are stone statues. ——Fu Qike

4. If you can't measure it, you can't manage it. ——Peter Drucker

5. It takes more courage to conquer yourself, and its victory is the most glorious of all victories. ——Plato

6. When marching, some people are retired from the army, some are defeated, some are decadent, and some are rebellious. However, as long as it does not hinder the progress, the team will become a pure elite team later. ——Lu Xun

7. Health is what I want; Righteousness is what I want; You can't have both, and those who give up their lives and take justice are also. —— Meng Ke

8. People should not live like animals, but pursue knowledge and virtue. ——Anonymous

9. The strong can fight against the storm of fate. ——Edison

10. Stick to your doctrine, which is more important than life; I would rather have my life gone, as long as my reputation can remain. ——petofi

11. Life is like taking a bus. Some people are very calm and can enjoy the scenery outside the window; Some people are embarrassed, always pushing and crowding. ——Anonymous

12. On the day of victory in the future, we may live or die, but our program will last forever, and it will liberate all mankind. ——liebknecht

13. Dreamers live a long life, but doers live a short life. ——about O'Reilly

14. Singing and dancing respects the former, while in the prosperous mirror, the dark changes into green hair. ——Sadula

15. The most blind obedience is the only virtue left by slaves. ——Rousseau

16. Dissatisfaction with oneself is the fundamental characteristic of any truly talented person. ——Chekhov

17. The night gave me black eyes, but I greeted the light with my nostrils. ——Xiaogang Feng

18. Glorious labor, afraid of shameful labor; Labor makes people strong, so we should treat it correctly. ——Xia Ming

19. Everyone has the heart to struggle. ——Li Shutong

20. The day will drop the responsibility to the Sri Lankan people, and they must first suffer from their mentality, fatigue their bones and muscles, starve their body and skin, lack their body, and do whatever they do. Therefore, they can't be patient. ——Mencius

21. A person who loses heart when he is hit will always be a loser. ——Mao Mu

22. Those who are beneficial don't do it, while those who are not, so they work hard without success. —— Xue Xuan

23. Remember: There is only one time that matters, and that is now! It is important because it is the time for us to make a difference. ——Tolstoy

24. Hope is happiness, and creation is happiness. ——Bing Xin

25. A person who learns to learn is a very happy person——Minand

26. The knower is not confused, the benevolent is not worried, and the brave is not afraid. ——Analects of Confucius

27. Labor is the father of wealth, while land is the mother of wealth.

28. Great achievements are in direct proportion to hard work. If you work, you will gain. Over time, from less to more, miracles can be created.

29. Labor and man, man and labor are the parents of all truths.

30. There is no gain without labor.


1. Don't let your busy steps trap the temperature of your life.

2. Teenagers are biased and old men are suspicious.

3. What is planted is not food, but life.

4. Be benevolent and self——improving.

5. The road ahead is not easy, and it should be done and cherished.

6. Abundant teeth and jagged teeth.

7. The Huns have not been destroyed, why is the home?

8. Woman, it is better to love yourself than to love anyone. Learn to love yourself.

9. Unlucky is a life attitude.

10. Take control of your destiny and regard suffering as sharpening.

11. Only righteousness is to keep, and blind date with righteousness.

12. I am not loyal, but I am kind to others.

13. Being good is called people, while being too good is called yourself.

14. If you miss something, there is no next life.

15. Being a song about wine is the geometry of life.

16. If you argue, quiet is positive.

17. It is a sad psychology to be indecisive without ideal.

18. lining people's heart, lining oneself sad.

19. Control your mood and be a happy person.

20. Men don't fight women, women don't give way.

21. The real choice is that there is no choice!

22. Early to bed and early to rise is refreshing.

23. It is better to have fewer ribs than sweat.

24. When you can do it, grasp it well.

25. If you don't hope, you won't be disappointed.

26. Half of life is bad luck, and the other half is how to deal with bad luck.

27. Ning Ming died and was born in silence.

28. Don't joke about strangers, and so do familiar people.

29. Bathing morality, keeping pace.

30. Happiness is not a story, but misfortune is.


1. I live in wonderful waiting, waiting for any future.

2. If you don't beg, you will feel at ease, and if you don't do it, you will feel at ease.

3. Life is ups and downs, like a cup of tea, bitter as tea, and fragrant as tea.

4. Love is a book without title page, catalogue or even cover.

5. Dripping water through rocks is not by force, but by staying up late.

6. You might as well be bold in dealing with life, because we will always lose it.

7. There are so many bad reasons, I think it is worth it, so I will continue.

8. Great happiness comes from the appreciation of beautiful works.

9. Don't blame others for letting you down, but blame yourself for expecting too much.

10. Live happily, or you will live up to this autumn.

11. Tea is intoxicating. Why should I drink? I don't need flowers if books are fragrant.

12. people in my life, how are, rather than frown, steal to have fun.

13. Life is that those who need it can't get it, and those who get it don't need it.

14. Happiness can't make you rich, but it can make you live a wonderful life.

15. People seldom give happiness to others when they are unhappy.

16. Action does not necessarily bring happiness, while no action will never bring happiness.

17. May you wake up every day and still love life and embrace the world.

18. Hope for the best, make the best efforts and prepare for the worst.

19. Happiness may not make your future, but it can make you enjoy the present.

20. If you don't belong to yourself, you should be willing to let go.