
5U文學(xué)網(wǎng) > 名言 > 英語名言 > 青春時(shí)光的唯美霸氣名言英文


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1. If we can change our mood, we can change the future.

2. Struggle is the least expensive behavior, but it is worth more than anything else.

3. Do you know what is the greatest weapon of mankind? It's the determination to throw yourself at the risk.

4. There is no regret in life, so start now.

5. The best way to predict the future is to create it yourself.

6. The most difficult time is not far from success.

7. As long as a person has willpower, he can surpass his environment.

8. To succeed, don't race with horses, ride on horses and succeed immediately.

9. Instead of worrying about the future, it is better to work hard for the present.

10. Death teaches people everything, just as the results are announced after an exam.

11. Let youth be your capital and try to discover the beauty in your life.

12. Treasure a delicate one, and taste every bit of life.

13. If you don't study for three days, you will feel disgusting and boring.

14. The road I have traveled, the wind I have chased, you are my dream that I can't finish again.

15. Perseverance, perseverance and perseverance.

16. Tell others with a smile that I am stronger today than yesterday.

17. Laughing at life is not a good thing, and life is not a long-term solution.

18. In fact, what has been with you is the great self.

19. Believe in your choice, don't waver, run hard, and tomorrow will be better.

20. The best preparation for tomorrow is to live up to today.

21. Tell yourself that you will never regret the road you have chosen.

22. Life is understood because of experience.

23. If you want to be good enough, you will have everything you want.

24. Life knows what it is like everywhere, and it should be like Feihong stepping through snow and mud.

25. It is not skill but choice that determines a person's success.

26. If you want to age slowly, you must study quickly.

27. As long as you beat yourself, no one can beat you again!

28. How can we keep moving forward? Leave your footprints behind you.

29. If you want to become famous quickly, you must get up early.

30. Don't forget your lofty ideals just because of one setback.


1. Youth is limited and wisdom is infinite. Take advantage of short youth to learn infinite wisdom.

2. Don't think that dreams are out of reach. Dreams may not be realized, but they are definitely a driving force for you to move forward.

3. It is not necessary for a person to have money or no money, but if the person has no dream, the person will be poor.

4. People who lack or dare not have dreams often can't experience the ecstasy when dreams come true.

5. Youth must be early, and you can't grow up as a teenager.

6. Work hard and the stars will hide in your soul. Have a distant dream. Every dream will surpass your goal.

7. There is a long road in the world called dream and a high wall called reality.

8. Perhaps the whole secret of the beauty of youth lies not in being able to do everything, but in wanting to do everything.

9. Dream is a luxury, so it is difficult to realize. Who will take things that can be easily obtained seriously?

10. We are all small people, but we will work hard to become "big people" for the sake of our dreams.

11. To do a great career, one must start in youth.

12. A lot of things, as long as you dare to think, as long as you dare to do, you dare to take that step, the dream will be very close to you.

13. Youth is a short-lived dream. When you wake up, it has already disappeared without a trace.

14. Youth can't stay, white hair comes naturally.

15. I'm not a person with big dreams. I try my best to do everything more often. There will be surprises waiting for you.

16. Hope, happiness will come to you; Have a dream, and opportunities will cover you.

17. Our life can develop towards our dreams. Happiness is actually very simple, as long as we take that step bravely.

18. A man without lofty ideals is like a machine tool without a motor.

19. Once a dream is put into action, it will become sacred.

20. Youth is a crazy run, then a gorgeous fall.

21. The realization of ideals depends only on doing, not on empty talk.

22. People always can't keep up with changes in their plans, and have a yearning heart. Sticking to the initial dream mentality will help me a lot.

23. Youth is one's best years.

24. Dreams don't necessarily need to be spoken out loud, but don't give up, they can be realized as long as they persist.

25. Youth is not a period of life, but a state of mind. As long as you have poetry and distance, you have youth.

26. Dreams are beautiful, but without will, dreams are just fleeting rainbows.

27. Dream is a strange word. It starts with a dream, but it has to accomplish everything in reality.

28. Love in youth, love is right, it is love; Love is wrong, it is youth.

29. A person who realizes his dream is a successful person.

30. The ideal is not a fine magnetic bowl, which is broken without compensation; The ideal is a flower, which can be reopened after falling off.


1. Among all the criticisms, time is the greatest, correct and genius. -belinsky

2. Life is only a short hundred years, that is, when you come to the world, you should let the fireworks of the world of mortals smoke and live up to this only one life. —— Bai Luomei

3. Inspiration is not waving beautifully at all, but a psychological state of working as hard as a healthy cow. -Tchaikovsky

4. Anyone should have self-esteem, self-confidence and independence, or be a slave. -Xu Teli

5. For scientists, the insurmountable principle is to work for human civilization. -Joseph Needham

6. Failure and frustration are waiting for people, which again and again cast sadness on the face of youth, but also add a dignity to the prospect of human life, which cannot be achieved by any success. -Thoreau

7. Happiness means no pain in the body and no disturbance in the soul. -Epicurus

8. It doesn't matter which direction we are in, what matters is which direction we are moving. -Homez

9. Freeing one's brothers from oppression is a worthy goal. -lev tolstoy

10. Although pessimists still die, optimists never grow old. -Byron

11. With perseverance, the golden stone can be used. -Xunzi's "Persuasion"

12. Only perseverance can make us succeed. Perseverance comes from unswervingly taking the necessary means to achieve success. -Chernyshevski

13. The first condition for success is determination; The determination must not be quick, simple and decisive, but also have confidence in success. -Dumas

14. True modesty is the highest virtue, that is, the mother of all virtues. -Tennyson

15. It is foolish to think that everyone is upright; People who think there is no integrity at all are especially stupid. -about ADAMS

16. Beauty is everywhere. For our eyes, it is not lack of beauty, but lack of discovery. -Rodin

17. Do what you should do. What can be the result is second. -Herbert

18. I may not be sure of my chances of winning, but I always live with sincerity. I may not succeed soon, but I don't forget the truth in my heart. -Lincoln

19. Learning is from the outside to the inside, but wisdom is from the bottom up. -lin xi

20. Now I only believe that, first of all, I am a person, just like you-at least I have to learn to be a person. -henrik ibsen