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1. all kinds of painful experience has proved that in the process of understanding the truth. profound knowledge is not the same as justice and justice. Belinsky

2. Truth gains vitality from people and shows it. Camus

3. The higher a person's goal is. the faster his talent will develop and the more beneficial it will be to society. I am sure this is also a truth. Gorky

4. in the debate. justice and truth may not always get a fair judgment. and those who have blackened their conscience should recruit some villains who have also blackened their conscience as your negative witnesses. Shakespeare

5. Truth is like a gem. Although it should not be painted with color. it can be placed in a conspicuous place. so that it can find more wonderful brilliance. Santayana Santayana

6. Truth likes criticism. because after criticism. truth will win; Fallacy is afraid of criticism. because after criticism. fallacy will fail. Diderot

7. A society will be strong only when it makes the truth public. Zola

8. Just as light exposes itself and the darkness around it. truth is both its own standard and false standard. Spinoza

9. It is despicable to hide the truth. but it is cowardly to lie for fear of the truth. Ogliov Ogliov

10. the truth is strong. never afraid of the truth. bravely support the truth. tell the truth to others. and fight for the truth. Liushaoqi

11. A truth learned purely by reading is related to us like artificial limbs. dentures. wax noses or even artificial skin grafts. And the truths gained by independent thinking are like our natural limbs: only they belong to us. Schopenhauer

12. respect the truth. this is the starting point of great wisdom. Aleksandr Herzen

13. The river of truth flows through the ditch of its mistakes; Like a sprout. there is another question under a truth. and truth questions nourish each other. Bacon

14. a person to find the effective truth. need millions of people in the failed exploration and tragic mistakes to destroy their own lives. Mendeleev

15. the glory of truth is often covered. but it will never go out. Liwei

16. the discovery of truth. or the completion of the preferred responsibility. have aroused our joy. make our whole life tremor. Croce

17. I was born for truth and died for truth. I have nothing of my own except truth. Wang Ruofei

18. as long as a person is willing to go deep below the surface of things to explore. even if he may see wrong. but cleared the way for others. and even can make his mistakes finally serve the cause of truth. Bock. many great truths were considered blasphemy at the beginning. Bernard Shaw

19. Truth can only be ferocious and horrible to short——sighted individuals. but it is eternal beauty and eternal happiness. Belinsky

20. in terms of truth and understanding. anyone who pretends to be an authority will surely collapse in God's laughter! Einstein

21. Eternal devotion is the truth of life. Its perfection is the perfection of our life. Tagore

22. just like a newborn baby. the truth of science will develop continuously in the struggle. spread widely. and be invincible. Franklin

23. it is best to compare truth to flint.——the more it is beaten. the more brilliant it is. Marx

24. Under the soil. in a dark place. you can find Jin Gangzuan; Truth can only be discovered by deep and careful thinking. Hugo

25. to pursue the truth. know the truth. but also rely on the truth. which is the highest moral character in human nature. Bacon

26. the above talked about the truth of theology and philosophy. but also talk about the truth of practice. Even those who behave meanly can't help but admit that being aboveboard is a noble virtue. and hypocrisy. like counterfeit money. may be able to shop. but it also devalues the real value of things. This kind of fraudulent behavior is like a snake. which can't walk with its feet but only with its stomach. Bacon

27. It is man's bounden duty to be brave in exploring truth. Copernicus

28. respect for people should not be better than respect for the truth. Plato

29. Those who bend over to the truth will be indomitable spirit once they stand up. Shenshunfu

30. Truth is always immortal. and fallacies will be corrected one day. Ma Eddie


1. Mathematical science is the language of nature. ——Galileo

2. Science has no national boundaries. because it is the wealth of all mankind and the torch that illuminates the world. but scholars belong to the motherland. ——Pasteur

3. Books should obey science. not the other way around. ——bacon

4. Man's bounden duty lies in the courage to explore the truth. ——Copernicus (Poland)

5. The benefits of fallacy are temporary. and the benefits of truth are permanent; When truth has defects. these defects will soon be eliminated. while the defects of falsehood always go with falsehood. ——Diderot (France)

6. A society will be strong only when it makes the truth public. ——Zola

7. Science is to sort out facts in order to draw universal laws and conclusions. ——Darwin

8. scientific research is to explore the unknown. scientific research personnel should not only have a serious. rigorous and strict style of study. but also have the spirit of dare to think. dare to do and dare to venture. The two are indispensable. ——Zhu Zhaoliang

9. Scientists' achievements are the property of all mankind. and science is the most selfless field. ——Gorky

10. Only by obeying nature can we master nature. ——Bacon (UK)

11. Science is the best way to make people brave. ——Bruno

12. What knowledge is the most valuable? The unanimous answer is science. ——Spencer

13. the sea of truth. let all the undiscovered things lie in front of my eyes. let me explore. ——Newton (UK)

14. Science is the warmth and happiness in my heart. You make me fearless and die. Although it is rare for prisoners to see the light of day again. you can smash chains and bars. ——Bruno

15. Successful scientists are often people with a wide range of interests. Their original spirit may come from their erudition. Diversification will make people's views fresh. while studying a narrow field for too long will easily make people stupid. ——beveridge

16. Learn to do menial work in science. To study facts. compare facts and accumulate facts. ——Pavlov (Russia)

17. a scientist should consider the comments of later generations. don't have to consider the abuse or praise at that time. ——Pasteur (France)

18. I have never made an accidental invention in my life. All my inventions are the result of careful consideration and rigorous experiments. ——Edison (USA)

19. We are enjoying the great benefits brought by other people's inventions. and we must be willing to serve others with our own inventions. ——Franklin (USA)

20. I have been fighting for more than 50 years and devoted myself to the development of science. One word can tell the characteristics of my hardest work. and that word is "failure". ——Thomson

21. There is no great historical disaster that is not compensated by historical progress. ——Engels

22. The foundation of science is a healthy body——Madame Curie

23. don't know is not terrible and harmful. It is impossible for anyone to know everything. What is terrible and harmful is not knowing but pretending to know. ——Tolstoy

24. Science is the most important. beautiful and needed thing in people's life. ——Chekhov

25. Science is the crystallization and fruit of human wisdom ... Looking forward to the future of science. mankind will hold high the torch of science and ascend to the paradise of the universe. ——Hawking

26. I don't know what people in the world think of me. But I think so: I seem to be playing on the sea. sometimes I find a smooth stone. sometimes I find a beautiful shell and I am happy with it. Nevertheless. the ocean of truth is mysteriously displayed before us. ——Newton (UK)

27. language into action. than action into language is much more difficult. ——Gorky

28. Exercise is the source of all life. —— Da Vinci (Italy)

29. In scientific works. you'd better read the latest books. and in literary works. you'd better read the oldest books. Classical literature will never age. ——Bulwell Litton

30. Anyone who takes a rash attitude towards truth in small matters is also untrustworthy in big matters. ——Einstein (USA)


1. people can't live like animals. should pursue knowledge and virtue. ——Dante

2. To climb the same peak of science and culture. we must break through the limitation of unfavorable conditions. make use of the favorable conditions provided by life. and create new conditions. ——Gao Shiqi

3. Learning and doing are organically linked. If you learn. you must think about it. If you think it over. you must do it. If you are good at it. you can see if you have really learned your hand. Otherwise. although there are many books. they will just become a dead stack. ——Xie Juezai

4. Learning is not obtained from books. but experience gained in fact is also learning. ——Chen Yian

5. People who have learned a lot of useless words to them. or those who have learned a lot of words and can't use them. are like carpenters who have a big box of tools and can't use them. but they can't compare with carpenters who can use them freely with few tools. ——West

6. It is the night when men are reading. Teenagers only know play. do not know to study well. to the old time regret when they are young. why don't know to study hard. ——Yan Zhenqing

7. Books are as rich as the sea and are available in department stores. One can't take all one's energy. but one can get what spring wants. Therefore. it is hoped that scholars will make one attempt at a time. —— Su Shi

8. The key to all science is a question mark without any objection. How should most of our great discoveries be attributed to? The wisdom of life probably lies in asking why everything happens. ——Balzac

9. In addition to the knowledge in books. it is necessary to acquire knowledge from life. ——Mao dun

10. Young comrades must remember that it is impossible to get all the cultural heritage of the past by running and jumping. This requires firm tenacity and hard work. You know. overcoming difficulties on this road is a very good stimulant in itself. ——ostrovsky

11. Learning requires the greatest tension and enthusiasm for people. ——Pavlov

12. When people are slaves to books. they bring the living to death. If books are used as human tools. the knowledge in books will live. Have the vitality. —— Hua Luogeng

13. people are alive. books are dead. If a living person reads a dead book. he can read it alive. A dead book can read a living person to death. ——Guo Moruo

14. No university is more comprehensive than the big self with the ability we have never used and the reality created by human will and reason. ——Gorky

15. don't doubt can't see the truth. so I hope everyone take a skeptical attitude. don't be overwhelmed by the theory has become. ——Li Siguang

16. False learning is worse than ignorance. Ignorance is like an open space. which can be cultivated and sown; False learning is like a wasteland full of weeds. which can hardly be pulled out. ——Conin

17. intelligence will never stop on the truth that has been known. but will always keep moving forward to the truth that has not yet been known. ——Bruno

18. The whole meaning of life lies in exploring things we don't know yet. and in constantly increasing more knowledge. ——Zola

19. There are three principles in studying: extensive knowledge. more reading and diligent experiment. ——Dai Blaugley

20. Our greatest worship of truth is to fulfill it in a down to earth manner. ——Emerson










