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1. There is only one core word in the relationship between the sexes, which is not "dependence", "possession", but "attraction".

2. Marriage without conflict is almost as hard to imagine as a country without crisis. ——Maurois

3. I don't mean that social relations can be ignored in marriage. I mean that the influence of natural relations is much greater than that of social relations, and it can even determine the fate of our whole life. Moreover, in terms of hobbies, feelings and personality, both sides are so strictly required to match ... Such a matching couple can withstand all possible disasters. When they are all living in poverty, they are happier than a divorced couple who possess property all over the world. ——Rousseau

4. Judge whether he has you in his heart, not by how hot he is with you, but by how close he is with you. Being close means helping you sincerely.

5. I didn't study in the countryside, and all the women who married the city were Phoenix men. If I didn't plot to cheat marriage against my wife's family property and didn't sell love drugs to my wife for the benefit of my family, I wouldn't be Phoenix men.

6. The love of marriage makes mankind continue; The love of friends makes mankind reach a more perfect state; Evil love corrupts human beings. ——Emerson

7. This is a false world, and everything begins to become blatant. You are greedy for your official, I play with my high——rise building, and even marriage is no exception. You can divorce on false marriage leave, and even people can be artificial. Why? It is because everything is really boring. This is where people are inferior to animals. —— Park Dafan

8. Marriage will be "distracted", but it mainly depends on whether you can put into action or not. ——Chen Daoming

9. If you want to spend your whole life happily, only two people can combine. Because half a ball can't roll, the important task for every adult is to find the half that matches you. ——Marx

10. Love is beautiful, but marriage is sacred. ——Elizabeth

11. A happy marriage is a sweet union in life, full of firmness and loyalty, countless beneficial and reliable help and mutual obligations. ——Montaigne

12. You are married to the person you feel is best for you when you are most vulnerable. ——Beric

13. Marriage is a great test of life. ——Ibsen

14. Accommodation, tolerance, submission, acceptance, forgiveness, understanding, compromise and tenacity, marriage and love can train decathlon.

15. Instead of marrying a heartless smart woman in MoMo, it is better to marry a sentimental and blunt woman. ——karl popper

16. People who marry only for money are extremely evil; People who marry only for love are extremely stupid. ——Johnson

17. A hasty marriage is less happy. ——Shakespeare

18. The most devastating problem in marriage lies in the lack of communication, especially in love and money. ——Oates

19. A happy marriage needs not only the exchange of ideas, but also the exchange of feelings. Keeping your feelings in your heart will push your wife out of your own life. ——Austin

20. Before deciding on divorce, there is a long, painful and difficult process of thinking about reasons, that is, a process of comprehensively providing the basis for one's own decision from the perspective of personal needs, interests, opinions and values. ——Sesenko

21. Only love can make marriage sacred, and only a marriage that makes love sacred is a real marriage. ——lev tolstoy

22. In marriage, everyone has to give and take back something: this is the law of supply and demand. ——romain rolland

23. Marriage based on love is incomparable happiness in the world. —— Liang Shiqiu

24. The strongest bond in marriage is not children, not money, but spiritual common growth. Love is sometimes a kind of friendship. —— Yang Lan

25. Only by knowing each other and understanding each other, and then by tolerating and loving each other, can a happy marriage be maintained.

26. Sometimes marriage can make a woman lose herself——otherwise, there should be many outstanding women in the world. ——San Mao

27. In marriage, if love is to last, it needs to be fictionalized. In other words, it is to add blood and flesh to the original sad and touching plot. ——Charlton slave

28. A marriage without conflict is almost as unimaginable as a country without crisis. ——Maurois

29. Love regards happiness as its goal, while marriage regards life as its goal. ——Balzac

30. Men know the virtue of women because of marriage; Women know men's stupidity by getting married. ——Hasegawa


1. Marriage is not a lottery ticket you bought. Even if you don't win, you can't throw it away.

2. The essence of marriage is ethical relationship and ethical love with legal significance.

3. Marriage is a game of Go. The closer the two sides are, the longer it will take to play chess. This kind of position includes such factors as knowledge, cultivation, personality and even birth.

4. Marriage is the essence of our whole life. Without it, our life is fragmented.

5. Marriage is a piece of porcelain. It takes a lot of work to make it, it is easy to break it, and it is troublesome to pick up the pieces. Therefore, we should keep in mind the usual prompt on the packing box: "Handle with care, do not turn upside down".

6. Marriage is a refrigerator. Its purpose is to keep fresh for love, but the result is to cool it down.

7. Marriage is a fruit. Some marriages are like oranges, which petals are sweet when peeled off; Some marriages are like coconuts, but there is not much sweetness in the big shell.

8. Marriage is a dish. My husband likes salty food, so he just puts salt in it, and his wife likes sweet food, so he just puts sugar in it ... In this way, when this dish comes out, none of them can eat it.

9. Marriage should be based on love, attachment and respect, not wealth and status.

10. Marriage sometimes needs conflict. Marriage without conflict is just as unimaginable as a country without crisis.

11. Two people in marriage are like a pair of tourists walking in the desert. At the beginning, I felt the continuous fine sand under my feet, carrying a pot full of happiness, and realized my dream with passion. Slowly, after a long time, I went far. The original passion has been obliterated by the sinister nature of the desert. Instead, it is physical and mental. Tired, once again, the end of the desert is still far away, and the way back has disappeared. Suddenly, I realized that all my dreams are not necessarily beautiful.

12. Marriage is: an optimist woman who marries an optimist man and finally becomes two pessimists.

13. I hope my marriage is like this, like someone and grow old with them. Then they have children together, then they go home every day, raise their children and grow up slowly, watch each other's faces wrinkle and grow white hair, and finally, they keep a person, eat, sleep, chat and grow old every day. In fact, the essence of marriage, that is, so flatly light together.

14. Respect is the amulet of marriage. Some people think that you are a family after entering the besieged city. What kind of respect do you need? Big mistake! You know, before marriage, you were two unrelated people! Even if you get married, you are still two people, two different people. Respect each other, that is, treat each other as an independent person, that is, increase the distance between two people, so as to attract two people closer to each other. It's like two magnets. Keeping a proper distance will make them more attractive to each other.

15. It's not a man's fault that a woman doesn't get married, sometimes it's another woman's fault.

16. If marriage is a besieged city, then love is a house in the besieged city. Men and women who live without a house cannot withstand the wind and rain, either they flee or they die of illness. Therefore, no matter whether you love before marriage or love after marriage, your marriage will last forever, because you have a house of love.

17. There is no absolutely correct way to keep the marriage fresh, and there is no panacea that works for all marriages. Whether the marriage is alive and fresh or not, the most important thing is not to seek these fresh——keeping tricks, but to have this string in your heart. If you have this string in your heart, you will come up with fresh——keeping tricks suitable for your own marriage, and both husband and wife will always love and be new.

18. Marriage is a tragedy, but the audience treats it as a comedy. No one likes tragedy, but everyone must get married. Everything starts with love and ends with marriage.

19. Marriage is just an illusion in the eyes of others. Only people in the game can understand its taste! Marriage is more of a responsibility and affection! No matter what decision you make, don't regret it after a few years!

20. Love can't be forced, and marriage doesn't need to be forced. Both men and women should treat love and marriage carefully, and emotional marriage can't be random behavior.

21. Love and marriage are based on loyalty, trust and compromise. If a person loves you very much but cheats, it is not love; A person attaches great importance to you, but always does not believe you, nor is it a good marriage; And two people seem to love each other, but they are unwilling to give up part of their lives for each other, which is not a long——term love. Be loyal to love, trust your lover, and sacrifice each other, which is a happy marriage.

22. Marriage is a grave. People who approach marriage are like approaching the grave of marriage. Is that true? Please take a look at the statement!

23. There are no unhappy marriages, only unhappy couples. Couples walk into the palace of marriage with great longing for marriage, but in the end they are disappointed, so they blame marriage, saying that marriage is the grave of love, but in fact it is themselves who are really to blame.

24. Marriage Classic Famous Words Daquan III

25. Marriage: Only a marriage based on rationality is a happy marriage

26. Marriage is the combination of two people's spirits, the purpose of which is to overcome all the hardships of the world together. Gorky (former Soviet writer)

27. Only love can make marriage sacred, and only a marriage that makes love sacred is a real marriage. (Russian writer) lev tolstoy

28. In marriage, everyone has to pay the price, and at the same time, they have to take back something. This is the law of supply and demand. ——(French writer) romain rolland

29. The happiness that married people get from each other is only the beginning of marriage, not its full meaning. The whole meaning of marriage lies in family life. (Russian writer) lev tolstoy

30. If you "marry in a hurry", you are willing to take the risk of becoming an unfortunate person. —— (former Soviet educator) Suhomlinski


1. Women can't do a good job because they can't talk about love; However, men who can't do a good job can't fall in love.

2. There is a normal state in marriage life, that is, patience.

3. Plain light is true, that's right, but it should be dull after marriage, then get married again, and then be dull. The flat marriage should appear alternately in waves. What's the point of living without marriage? As long as you really love him, you will get married until you die.

4. It is said that marriage is the grave of love, because before marriage, we have already walked to the grave. Even if you don't get married, you will break up in front of your grave. Why don't you break up first and head into the grave?

5. Don't continue to stimulate angry men, they will be like aggressive reptiles. Even if everything you say is right, a man who is angry and aggressive won't think he is wrong.

6. Why do you seldom see the legendary love story that lasts forever and is epic in your life? Because such feelings are very precious, are precious things so easy to see? Is gold and DIA easy to see?

7. After marriage, the family interests should be put first, and the money earned should first meet the family expenses and family reserves, and then meet the personal needs of husband and wife. The family interests are greater than the personal interests of husband and wife. Only in this way can the family be built well.

8. If you say no, he still decides that you should try to find out, or pretend not to hear and continue to let your hand wander on you. Don't worry, he will not treat your words as human words in the future.

9. Marriage is not a lottery ticket you bought. Even if you don't win a prize, you can't throw it away.

10. A woman who can only read is a dictionary. No matter how good people are, they will only look at it when they need it. A woman who can only dress up is just a vase, which is just like that after a long time. Clothing and beauty is a necessary condition for being a good woman, not a necessary and sufficient condition. You need to read more books. In this way, you will find life better.

11. Women should learn to dress up, don't use simplicity as a shield, don't use housework as an excuse, don't know fashion, you are not a complete woman.

12. It doesn't matter if you fall in love with a person with many differences in living habits. Be careful when you get married, and think about whether you can endure the differences for a long time.

13. Don't give up your intention to pursue because you don't look as good as each other. Your looks are just a temporary impression. Whether you can really decide whether to combine or not depends mainly on the personality of both parties. I have seen handsome men with ugly women, and too many ugly women with handsome men.

14. Some husbands are good husbands, because they spend their monthly income on the children and reserves of the mortgage households, and then buy clothes and gifts for their wives. If there is a surplus, he will buy things for himself. If his wife does the same, then their families will be very warm and harmonious.

15. Marriage is a game of Go. The closer the two sides are, the longer it will take to play chess. This kind of position includes such factors as knowledge, cultivation, personality and even birth.

16. Never try to prove that you are better than his mother.

17. It depends on whether a person has connotation, talking inside and dressing outside. You can also read and write. Talking can tell a person's knowledge and accomplishment. Dressing can tell a person's taste, and writing can tell a person's character.

18. My wife and mother fell into the river. I saved my mother first. Because my mother gave me life, I couldn't find any reason to leave her. If my wife is not saved, I can bury her again and continue our love in the tomb.

19. There is basically no right or wrong in emotional matters. He (she) will leave you, and there is always something you can't satisfy him. Looking back on the past days together, it is always beautiful. Of course, there are also despicable emotional swindlers, whose rhetoric is entirely to cheat each other into sleeping with themselves, and there are still very few such people.

20. Marriage doesn't mean taking possession of each other, and exclusive psychology is completely lost in the end.










